No matter if we are working, playing games, reading the news, or using MyTeam11 Refer Code, we all use the internet daily, mostly on our phones and we know how many amazing apps there are. It seems like dozens of new apps appear every day and everyone interested in apps is learning how to develop them. Startups and other companies that specialize in other aspects of coding, like web design and back-end development, sometimes dabble a bit in app development as well. Is it a lucrative market?
Developing an App

The app development itself can last a long time, especially if you are trying to make an app that works across several platforms. There is the issue of the app being needed in the first place, as well as providing a user-friendly interface. Every developer (and anyone who has ever worked with codes) knows that there are times when the codes don’t work for no apparent reason and workarounds have to be designed momentarily to answer this issue. If you are alone or working with either a small or an unreliable team, all of this can last a significant amount of time, which you don’t have. The competition is fierce (more on that in a minute).
Competing with the Big Boys
Placing an app on Google Play or the App Store may seem like an easy enough task, at first. However, what you need to understand is that there are companies that are actively developing free or affordable apps that you are unlikely to be able to compete against. Sometimes, these apps are developed by big companies, among others Google and Apple themselves, making your product obsolete or, at the very least, underrepresented.
The big companies have entire teams dedicated to marketing and customer care, so they can address or bury any issue the users come across. Compared to them, your team is just a small Ma&Pa shop across from Walmart.
Choosing a Platform
Your best bet is to make an app that works both on iOS and Android. However, this is no easy task, as the platforms are vastly different. Furthermore, each platform comes with its own set of instructions and rules which you have to abide by. These rules and regulations are changes with each update, meaning that you are not done when you develop your app. You are done when you are no longer able to or simply don’t want to provide the app to the public.

Should You Develop an App?
Simply put, if you are looking to make a living out of this enterprise, you should give it a pass. The market is too competitive and there is very little room for newcomers. If, however, you are planning on developing an app for a specific purpose to facilitate a project or make the world a better place, you should proceed with your idea. For example, if you are planning on developing an app that can send out a distress call to friends, family, and local emergency services, that is a worthwhile cause.
Furthermore, if you are already cooperating with a company to provide their phones with a piece of software that would make their lives easier and feel like you’re up to the challenge, go for it. There is no limit to what you can do.